Gaya. Final Fantasy Forum


Внесены коррективы в дизайн и интерфейс форума. Открыт новый авторский раздел от rinoa, с её замечательными фанфиками и её непревзойденный косплей Скуалла и Риноа, в дуэте с её замечательным мужем. Так же обновлены разделы с картинками по категории Мультимедиа. Добавлено описание к Dissidia 012[doudecim] Final Fantasy. И наконец то написана рецензия на Final Fantasy The Legends of Crystals, нашим администратором Amarant_Coral :)
Приятного просмотра))

Для вновь прибывших. Есть отдельная тема по идеям и предложениям. Отличившимся выдаем модератора на Испытательный Срок. Так же открыта флудильня. Пишем, не стесняемся. Собственно говоря, можно просматривать темы и т.д. Комментировать и оценивать. Дополнять и предлагать. Добро пожаловать, одним словом :)

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Вы здесь » Gaya. Final Fantasy Forum » Final fantasy VIII » Цитаты.


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Делитесь, есть ли у вас любимые цитаты или моменты из игры? На английском или русском - не важно)



Кроме как легендарного Скволловского "Whatever", у меня есть несколько любимых цитат, даже не цитат, а моментов) Сейчас поделюсь)
Скволл: (I wonder what everyone's doing...?) (They're probably laughing
at me. Or maybe they're angry...?) What do you think? To tell you the
truth... I worry too much about what others think of me. I hate that side
of me... That's why I didn't want anyone to get to know me. I wanted to
hide that side of myself. I hate it. Squall is an unfriendly,
introverted guy. It made it easy for me when people perceived me that
way. That's a secret between you and me. Got that?

I don't know what to do... This is just another crossroad in my
life. But, for the first time, I don't know which way to go. I've come
this far because I've...fallen for you. ......Rinoa...... I just
to let you go...?

Rinoa: ...Why?
Squall: The reason why you couldn't find me was because we haven't
promised yet.
Rinoa: Promised...?
Squall: I'll be waiting for you. If you come here, you'll find me. I

Irvine: "So like... Is it true that SeeDs aren't supposed to question their missions?"
Squall: (There are times I'd like to know myself. Like... now for example. But...) "Why do you care?"
Irvine: "So like... if you knew that your enemies were pure evil, you'd get more fired up to fight them, right?"
Squall: (...An enemy that is pure evil? Right or wrong are not what separate us and our enemies. It's our different standpoints, our perspectives that separate us. Both sides blame one another. There's no good or bad side. Just two sides holding different views.)
Эта цитата - одна из любимых)


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